10 Things You Can Do to Support Marijuana Law Reform
If you think there’s nothing you can do to help legalize marijuana, think again. Your actions are important and opinions matter to the people in office who have the ability to legalize marijuana.
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Weeding Fact from Fiction on the Marijuana Issue
Despite almost overwhelming scientific evidence that disproves the untruths about marijuana, many people believe that which is not factual. To clarify this situation, let’s discuss what is truly fact and fiction about marijuana. Read More>> |
Marijuana Offers Medicinal Benefits
Until 1937, it was legal to use marijuana. It is one of the safest substances known to ameliorate numerous medical conditions, for both medicinal and recreational purposes in the U.S. Since then, legal prohibitions against marijuana have cost taxpayers billions of dollars in enforcement and billions of dollars in lost revenues that could have been realized had marijuana simply been taxed in the same manner as alcohol and tobacco.
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